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Mercedes-Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia

Written By RajaBlog on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 | 10:25 PM

Mercedes-Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia adalah Julukan/ Slogan Yang cocok dan patut di Berikan Untuk Alat transfortasi Mobil yang sehebat, Termewah, dan Ternyaman, Terbaik serta berteknologi handal siapa lagi yang memilik Julukan /Slogan selain hanya Mercedes-Bend.

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Sejarah Butut Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia :

Disini Komputerbutut akan mempaparkan mengenai history, Sejarah dan Pengalaman dari Kepala Negara Indonesia yang Menggunakan Alat transportasi Kebanggan nya dan juga kebanggan bangsa Indonesia yang tidak boleh dilupakan menggunakan Mobil Mewah Mercedes-Benz Terbaik Indonesia.

  • Presiden Presiden Soekarno diketahui memiliki satu Mercedes-Benz 600 limousine di antara berbagai merk mobil-mobil dinasnya. Namun, selama ia berkuasa (1945-1967), tidak ada foto atau berita di media massa yang memperlihatkan atau menyebutkan bahwa Presiden Soekarno pernah menggunakan mobil tersebut.
Sukarno Mercedes Benz 300x225 Mercedes Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia

Sukarno Mercedes-Benz

Satu-satunya cerita yang mengisahkan bahwa Presiden Soekarno menggunakan Crown Imperial Limousine diperoleh dari tulisan drg. Oei Hong Kian, yang sempat merawat gigi Presiden Soekarno selama beberapa bulan, menjelang dan sesudah kekuasaannya berakhir.

Dalam tulisannya yang dimuat di majalah Intisari bulan Oktober 1988, drg Oei Hong Kian mengisahkan, awal September 1967, tepat pukul 09.00 WIB, Soekarno, yang kekuasaannya berakhir pada awal Maret 1967, datang ke rumahnya untuk berobat dengan menggunakan Mercedes-Benz 600, diiringi lima jip penuh dengan tentara, yang menjaganya dengan ketat.

  • Presiden Soeharto (1967-1998), pertama kali menggunakan Mercedes-Benz 600 limousine pada waktu dia menerima kunjungan Ratu Belanda Juliana ke Jakarta pada 26 Agustus 1971.

suharto Mercedes Benz 600 limousine Mercedes Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia

suharto Mercedes-Benz 600 limousine

Foto Mercedes-Benz 600 itu terpampang ,Selama memegang kekuasaan sebagai Presiden, Soeharto menggunakan Mercedes-Benz S-Class sebagai kendaraan resminya. Tipenya berganti-ganti dari waktu ke waktu.

Dan, dalam perjalanannya yang terakhir dari Istana Merdeka menuju ke kediamannya di Jalan Cendana 8-10, Jakarta Pusat, setelah mengundurkan diri dari jabatannya sebagai Presiden, ia menggunakan Mercedes-Benz S600 V12. Setelah Soeharto mengundurkan diri,

  • Dan sampai sekarang Hampir Semua Kepala Pemerintahan RI dari Sukarno sampai Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono menggunakan Menggunakan Alat transforrasi menggunaka Mercedes-Benz. Mobil Mercedes-Benz Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono adalah Mercedes-Benz tipe S600L model W221. Dengan lisensi plat RI 1, yang mempunyai Banyak Kehebatannya antar lain
S600L model W221 Mercedes Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia

S600L model W221

Mobil ini merupakan kendaraan lapis baja dengan tingkat resistensi Eropa B6/B7. Mercedes-Benz ini tahan terhadap senjata militer standar dan memberikan perlindungan terhadap fragmen yang muncul dari granat tangan, serta bahan peledak lainnya.

Fitur keamanan tambahan termasuk ban run-flat, tanki bahan bakar 90L dan sistem pemadam kebakaran otomatis. Selain itu, mobil ini juga menggunakan ban Michelin PAX 245-700 R470 AC, sistem pengaturan udara segar darurat, sistem kontrol pneumatik darurat untuk membuka jendela (beroperasi secara tersendiri dari sistem elektronik), serta Panic Alarm System tambahan.

Selain itu, ada pula kamera belakang, kaca depan dan jendela depan yang tahan panas, sistem adjutable doorhold yang digunakan di keempat pintu, di pintu belakang yang dapat ditarik dan menutup secara otomatis, serta tirai belakang listrik.

Kendaraan ini memiliki kecepatan puncak 210 kilometer / jam dengan GVW 4.200 kilogram.

Mobil Presiden SBY ini juga memiliki pengatur komponen suspensi dan tubuh mobil, sebuah penjepit tambahan (strut tower brace) antara suspensi depan dan dua bahan tambahan di bagian belakang untuk melengkapi suspensi udara yang lebih besar

Ayoo Mau Pilih apa lagi Alat transfortasi yang Termewah,Terhandal,Ternyaman, berteknologi Terhebat di dunia dan terbaik diantara yang baik hanya Mercedes-Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia . Orang no 1 di Indonesia saja pilih Mercede-Benz, masa kita pake yang lain. Apa kata dunia icon biggrin Mercedes Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia (bangsa yang Bijak Adalah Bangsa yang Menghargai Sejarah)

10:25 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

New Application Can Make Facebooker Video Chat

Written By RajaBlog on Wednesday, March 9, 2011 | 5:46 AM

Chatting with a friend on Facebook now will be more exciting. The presence of an application called SocialEyes make Facebooker can do video chat either one-on-one or in groups.

Introduced at the DEMO event, a technology conference held for the new company in California, United States (U.S.), SocialEyes able to attract attention.

interested users can try this service by visiting or / socialeyes.

Then, the user will be prompted to sign in using the ID up and directly connected with their friends on social networking.

"SocialEyes brings social networking experience to a higher level by allowing users to connect to their network of friends and meet people with similar interests through face to face communication online," said co-founder SocialEyes, Rob Williams.
5:46 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Facebook Bisa Tingkatkan Pede

A study at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, United States (U.S.), find the conclusion that taking a little time to access up can improve self-confidence, aka confident users.

Yes, while other studies highlight the problem up the negative side, especially the effects on student academic achievement, the study team of Cornell researchers find a good impact of the social networking site.

in his study, the research team involving 63 students. They were not informed about this study and each student in turn was left alone in a computer lab.

They were given different computers, including computers that deliberately turned off, with an additional mirror in front of them, some are turned on by the participants open up the page.

Each student is placed on their own a good computer is turned off, or activated with the page open for students. In addition, some students were given a computer that is turned off with a mirror on the screen.

After several minutes of accessing up, then looked at themselves in the mirror or looking at a dead computer screen, these students were given questionnaires designed to measure the level of their confidence.

As a result, found that participants who access up to provide more positive feedback about themselves than participants who did not access Facebook. This study also detected an increase in self-confidence is stronger if the participants to edit profile or change the profile picture up.

"Unlike glass, which remind ourselves we really are and maybe just give a negative effect on a person's confidence if what he saw was not as expected. While Facebook could show positive versions of ourselves," said Jeffrey Hancock, who led the study.
5:45 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Well, Mark Zuckerberg Dogs Only Have Facebook Account

Boss up Mark Zuckerberg and girlfriend Priscilla Chan was happy because the presence of a little dog. So unfortunately the dog, named Beast, Zuckerberg made a page on Facebook for him.

"I was a dog Puli, including the type of Hungarian Sheepdog. I was born in Grants Pass, Oregon and now lives in Palo Alto along with Mark and Cilla. I am a very cute dog." Such information is written on Beast profile at first visit.

Her presence on Facebook attract attention because in addition to funny, Beast is not a dog carelessly given her employer was the owner of social networking. , until recently, been more than 18 thousand Facebooker mark 'Likes' on this white dog's page and the number is likely still will increase.

The visitors page Beast, let alone dog lovers will definitely see him grimly. On that page is also displayed photographs of the Beast when mingle with Mark and Pricilla. Some are told when the Beast first moved into a house in Palo Alto Zuckerberg.
5:43 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Warner Bros. Films Through Selling up

Warner Bros will make a new step in the distribution of the film. Part of the studio's movie titles will be available through Facebook.

Movie title is not yet known what will be provided by the WB via Facebook, one of which is certain is'The Dark Knight'. This service initially will be available in the United States.

Up clearly will benefit from this plan. First, 30 percent of sales by up Credits will diraupnya.

The second effect, it could be this kind of service will be followed also by the movie or other content providers. So the social networking business with 500 million more members it will be more fertile.

The services will be provided by the WB through up a kind of rent 'pay once watch' (pay per view) with streaming system. The film is offered at price of 30 up Credits (about USD 3) for a period of 48 hours.

In the U.S., such services must compete with services like Netflix that provides subscription system. In addition there are stores like Apple iTunes that offers download system.
5:42 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

A Sister Sell Yourself via the Internet When Leaves

Prostitution via the Internet is a symptom of an increasingly plural encountered. Not just a completely professional as Prostitute (WTS), turns out some are selling themselves in cyberspace as a side profession. This is what Emma Mardsen, a senior nurse in the UK.

Emma caused quite make a sensation, in relation to its position as a nurse who has 10 years of service to the government-owned hospitals. He had offered himself caught in a prostitution website rates to £ 130 per hour.

On the website, he had a different name that is Lucy Love. She even dared to offer services to men, women and couples. He's doing all these activities while being off sick from work.

No doubt, she threatened sanctions, and even excluded from the profession because they are not professional nurses. Ulahnya being investigated a special committee. He claimed Lucy Love it himself, but argued not really offer esek-esek services via the Internet.

"But seeing the activity recorded at the site, the more likely he really offer that service and receive money from him," said Salim Hafejee, from the Nursing and Midwifery Council.
5:39 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

voyeur skirt via phone, Men Arrested Police

Armed with a camera phone, a man staged a fad. As he stood behind a woman who became incarannya, he presses the button to release the shutter. Unfortunately her picture object is prohibited, namely the inside of the skirt.

Yes, the man named Robert Bayliss was fond of skirts the ladies slingshot. He did it in the subway station in London, England. The place she likes most is the escalator, where he often followed women and snapped photos indecent.

Unfortunately, the action was eventually caught by police the British Transport Police. While on patrol, they were suspicious of the movements of Bayliss who finally caught when being followed the next victim.

Apparently, Bayliss has repeatedly perform 'activities' without getting caught. But now he is caught and must be held accountable for violating decency in public places. Bayliss rewarded 3 years of social work. In addition, he also no longer allowed to carry the device camera to the train station for 5 years.
5:36 AM | 0 komentar | Read More Techie Blogger